First encouraging results for the solidarity operation carried out by the Grape Hospitality group in favor of the Association Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque. 4 children operated.
Ukraine by Centaurus hôtels - 30 hotels
1st quarter 2022: Sending of a humanitarian convoy of 200 tons of food and basic necessities 6 donation trucks to the Ukrainian people in March 2022.
Ukraine by the hoteliers of Clermont Ferrand May 2022: Sending of a humanitarian convoy of 14 full pallets of equipment with 3.5 T trucks: sleeping bags, medicines, anti-inflammatories, military clothing, hygienic products, hiking shoes, laptops, caps, t -shirt...
Let us know your suggestions
Encourage your customers to participate in a donation of 25 cents to 1 € in donation
49 hotels already practice it, some since 2012 and you?
Europe - 25 hours hotels - 11 hotels - Support WASH projects (WAter, Sanitation, Hygiene / water, sanitary, hygiene)
Marriott Hôtels et L’opération « You Eat We Give » In Europe, participating Marriott restaurants donate €1 to the SOS Villages d’Enfants association per meal served.
Martin's hotels - 14 hotels - By consuming tea and coffee customers actively help three charities (25 cents in the customer's name for each cup consumed) ,
Majestic hotel Group - 13 hotels
With the private foundation IReS, which has been working since 1969 with populations in precarious situations.
• Since 2012, establishments in Barcelona have asked their customers to contribute €1 for each of their stays.
• «Suite Solidaria” is an annual campaign of the Majestic Hotel & Spa, for which, during the summer season, a percentage of the
proceeds from one of the suites is donated to concrete projects of the foundation.
Tamarind resort - Bali- Each guest is charged upon departure with €2 to help a local association for the education of homeless children.
Innovative ideas to help accommodate those most in need
La solution rapide et économique : La Maison 3 D ?
Mini houses : the example of Los Angeles
Free housing for reintegration (in french)
Icon 3 D raises 9 millions of dollars